2014 Eurovision Song Contest is over and we have a winner. I am personally very happy for the results as this means how the music won and Austria won. Conchita Wurst sang the best ballade in this years contest and didn´t offer anything else than unique look, perfect voice and no gimmicks what so ever. Less is so much more :)
180 million viewers around the world incl. China and Australia was watching this years contest from Copenhagen, Denmark. Final show was amazing and with lots of humour. Danes should get also negative feedback and that is for not knowing the timelimits. Every show went overtime and mainly because of the extra long own numbers, which could have been cut just like the beginning. Show could have been started from inside the hall... but who cares I loved the show with every tiny part. Still 1 host is enough wink wink Austria :)
What could I possibly write more of the performing countries?
The opinion can´t change that much from the semifinals...
While judging the eurovision I have a system, where I am looking at 4 different areas V= visual incl. camera work P = performance incl. voice S = song incl. lyrics D= dress incl. make-up etc.
each 10 points so maximum can be 40
1)Ukraine I did like what I saw, but tonight Mariya did sang so much worse than in semifinal. She was nervous for sure and she didn´t have an easy place to be in Denmark, when own nation is in chrisis. V8 P7 S8 D8 = 31
2)Belarus Teo performs well. He is very relaxed, bt the group behind him should be punished. Everyone did the easy choreography differently and everyone at their own time. Some added own moves and so it did look quite bad via tv. V8 P7 S10 D8 =35
3) Azerbaijan Dilara did what she promised and sang far better in final.Still I felt how something was missing. V6 P9 S8 D7 =30
4) Iceland Camerawork was very bad and the performance was at sometimes difficult to follow. Instead we could see directly inside to someone´s ears. Pollapönk did amazing job - I like their style and message. V9 P9 S7 D7 =32
5) Norway Still this is quite an misery to watch and listen. So sorry. V0 P3 S0 D1 = 4
6) Romania Can´t help, but I must say it again. Paula was divine, song is great and Ovi distroys it with total lack of charisma and missing some easiest notes. So much worse than in semifinal.
V6 P5 S5 D5 = 21
7) Armenia It´s clear how armenias abroad will help even this time. He sings so badly by being so nervous and having worst english ever. Think guys - wouldn´t it be far better in armenian?
V3 P2 S6 D0 = 11
8) Montenegro I am so happy for them. Sergej looks and sounds so much better now and is so relaxed. V10 P10 S10 D5 = 35
9) Poland Cleo sings very well. Song works well and everything is quite into perfection. I would have changed the choreography a bit and also the camerawork. After the 1st rehearsals Cleo had said after been asked how did it go "next time more butter and tits" It´s so sad, that some people made this purely about tits as that´s not the point at all. This song is very popular in Poland and just look the amount of parodyversions,own versions and even the super cool zumba-lesson, which is showing that this song was badly understood by people whom reported from Copenhagen. V10 S10 P10 D 10 = 40
10) Greece Act full of energy and this is so catchy eurohit. Crowd is dancing and singing along. Wonderful to watch.
V10 P9 S10 D8 = 37
11) Austria Once again can it be more perfect than this? No. Amazing voice, look and handling the pressure so well. Wow ..feels like a winner
V10 P10 S10 D10 = 40
12) Germany Act is similar to the german final. Nothing is changed. No vocal-lessons, no english lessons. Too bad as the text is not coming through and so won´t the points either arrive. So sorry for that. Not good for new artistgroup. V0 P1 S3 D1 =5
13) Sweden Perfect once again just as Sanna :)V10 P10 S10 D10 =40
14) France Superb hit-song, great performance with energy and humour V10 P10 S10 D10 = 40
15) Russia well I dislike all sort of boycott, but in this case the lyrics are causing how I can´t ever like this song "show the world some love and nothing can take us down" V2 P1 S0 D1 =4
16) Italy Emma sings amazingly poorly. The outfit is like been made in kindergarden for their xmasparty. And going to knees is hardly helping ... points won´t be coming. V2 P3 S0 D0 =5
17) Slovenia Tinkara sings better than in semifinal, but I wonder is the mic on? At least in this tv-set the sound is weaker. V8 P9 S8 D7 = 32
18) Finland Act seems and sounds amazing. Guys are more relaxed and the hope is rising for better than 15th place I predicted earlier. Still I suggest for the boys to take some extra lessons in english, so the words are coming out correctly and every single letter too. V8 P9 S9 D8 = 34
19) Spain Ruth is shining like an diamond and she sings like an angel. Simply perfect. V10 P10 S10 D10 = 40
20) Switzerland Sebaltier seems very relaxed and gives again very great performance being positive and joyful. Winning quality,yes, but I think top10. V8 P10 S10 D8 = 36
21) Hungary He sings bit falsely and not hitting every note. Also there is tiny problem with the song as it is not holding those 3 minutes as it should. Theme is still what I dislike as it tears open old wounds. V2 P2 S3 D0 = 7
22) Malta The budget for dressing up the group was clearly very limited, but the act itself went better than in semifinal. This time it feels like they had visited this blog and read the pointers as there is less screaming tonight. V6 P10 S7 D 2 = 25
23) Denmark Happy very joyful act and it was cool to see how audience is dancing together and how audience sings along.
V10 P10 S10 D8 = 38
24) Netherlands This type of country is far too dark for me and I need more tempo, more melody. This is too plain for me, but I do get it, that someone loves this. V0 P5 S0 D0 = 5
25) San Marino Valentina sings better, slightly better. Choir sings weakly and is hardly heard. Problems with this song is weak backing choir, lack of charisma. Melody is beautiful, but that hardly is enough V0 P0 S3 D0 = 3
26) United Kingdom "power to the people" was the best line in this song, which felted like half hour. Molly delivers something, but that´s not hitting the note. Backing singers are better hitting the note this time, but still this song is strange. Some potential elements exists, but it needs new remix,new attist and then it might work better as now it is not going anywhere. Pity that BBC is still acting like they don´t care one bit of the results. V0 P1 S0 D0 = 1

Picture taken from svt/twitter analysis will follow later today. Now it´s time to rest a bit.
How did we predict?
FST/Finland previews 7/10
me 7/10
WOM 5/10
not bad results as this year points were split nicely, which made it great exciting to watch the voting part.
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