Did you know, that in this blog during these 2+ months you have visited musically now 136 countries, Syria is 136th and this road continues. I am sure, that you have own favourites and that you have received plenty of new artists you follow. That´s what is WOM - world of music videos. You have seen, that Wom has an logo, which is designed by an talented serbian Diino and in writing team we have also got José Mora from Mexico. Wom is always looking for new guys/gals, whom wants to write and promote in that way music from own country and above. English language was selected as working tool despite none of us have it as 1st language.
During these 2+ months we have had visitors from more than 85 countries and almost 7000 pageviews. It´s great, but we can grow and be even bigger and you have huge part in that as you know, share posts as much as you wish :)
You can always send messages via that small box on your right ... that can be an article you wish us to publish or wink us artists/songs/ anything with as many links you like :)
What else?
Well... at the moment we are looking for an guy/gal, whom would like to be in "charge" of the facebook group! Creating the fuzz there and doing the PR for the blogs growing.
If you feel up to it, join in. Naturally we like to share and we have thought that this could be also team work!
Eurovision Song Contest
You have seen the posts - semifinal one and two.
You can see from those pages whom participate, read the basic information about them and also my comment. Predictions also, which will be updated after the official previews in Sweden and Finland.
But wouldn´t it be cool to create international jury - the biggest in the world perhaps?
Listen thru the songs from both semifinals - select the top 10 songs in your opinion and put them in order.
Voting link will be offered later for both semifinals.
I add also the quick previews for this years Eurovision Song Contest, so you can go thru the year 2014 in less than 25 minutes :) But what would you see going thru... ( later we can compare how WOM-jury did against the official results of those semifinals)
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